Our text messaging service is free of charge and reminds our patients about appointments booked with GPs or Practice Nurses as well as sharing important information with all practice patients who are able to receive a text message.
The service automatically delivers a free SMS appointment reminder to your mobile phone the day before your appointment. You will be able to text us back if you wish to cancel the appointment. We hope that patients find this service of benefit, creating a convenient way of cancelling unwanted appointments and enabling us to release appointments for other patients.
The service may also be used to invite patients to our chronic disease management clinics, for example the asthma, diabetes or hypertension clinics. During our annual flu campaign texts will be sent out to remind those in the At Risk groups to make their appointment.
Please note that for reasons of patient confidentiality, a mobile phone number will only be able to receive appointment reminders and practice messages for one patient and the patient must consent to joining the service. We will also not be sending texts to any patients under the age of 16.
Unfortunately we will not be able to accept text requests for appointments, repeat prescriptions or any other requests.
Patients can sign up for the service either by completing a form which is available from the Reception Desk or by completing the on line consent form
Our reception staff are often given mobile phone numbers by patients when they make telephone appointments and they may also ask if the patient wishes to receive text messages.
Those patients who opt into this service, must remember to tell us if they change their number so that we can update our records. Changes of address or phone number can be updated on our home page update details